Navigation systems have been around for a long time from paper to phone, and now with systems that utilise a whole bunch of sensors in a smartphone to make navigating more immersive. Augmented Reality (AR) takes all the sensor data from the smartphone and applies it to a camera overlay where the user can see computer generated imagery super imposed over the real-world. With the primary focus being the code design and not the art or sound, I set off on an adventure which I thought I would never take and found it challenging yet rewarding. The primary use for this application is to provide accessibility to those who want independence but still need a small helping hand. Design Journal

Developing further from the one week game jam, I decided to turn it into a mobile game with up to 1000 levels with positive and negative upgrades. I payed the $25 dev fee to google so I could start testing the game in a google play environment. Then 1 month later I finished all the code and art and published it.
The game is ad driven with a banner that’s always displayed at the button of the screen and an in reward video ad that pops up asking if you want to watch an ad for some extra health.
The game still needs lots of work, with more interactivity. 

A one week Game Jam took place with the theme of: “Please remain calm, the end has arrived.”
So I immediately jumped on it and did a collab with David to create a 1 button game. 

I done all the coding, sound, and level design and even came up with some of the concepts. David did the art.

Accessibility Arcade in VR

A Final Year Project that took from December till May to make. 
I wanted to explore accessibility features for dizziness sufferers such as myself, but couldn’t quite figure out what to do, so I went back to the drawing board and got some feedback from  people who said to make a colourblind accessibility feature in VR. 

I adapted that idea into a game that educates people on what colour-blindness is as well as showing what forms of accessibility are available. 

GSASG - The Narrative

3 months of hard work I put together a working game. A few things can be added like more voice-overs but each character has subtitles so it’s not so much of an issue. A lot of the narrative is in the main menu. To Break this down simply, The idea was to capture the emotions after death and make people aware. Watch the video to find out more. P.S I got 90% in my assignment. 

This game was later adapted to work in VR running off a laptop for FutureSync to demonstrate my expertise in creating a game and adapting it to VR.